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Valid for Sitecore 5.3.1
Documentation (Sitecore 5.3)

1.  Data Provider

The MySQL Data Provider allows the user to use the MySQL 5 server as data storage for Sitecore.

Installation instructions:

You must have MySql 5.0.41 server (or later) installed.

The package will install the MySQL Data Provider. Unpack the ZIP package onto the web server overwriting existing Sitecore files with related files from the package.

Modify the connection string parameters in the serverconnections.config file to comply with your MySQL settings.

web.config file requires the following changes:

2.  MySql Database Restore Tool

This tool allows you to restore Sitecore databases using the stored scripts.

Prerequisite: You must have MySQL 5.0.41 (or later) installed.

/upload/sdn5/products/data providers/mysqldbrestore53.png 

3.  Upgrade Instructions

Upgrading from v2.0, v2.0.1 or v2.0.2 to version 2.0.3

To upgrade from v2.0, v2.0.1 or v2.0.2 to version 2.0.3 you should replace the existing Sitecore files with related files from the zip archive

4.  MySql Data Transfer Tool

This tool allows you to transfer your existing Sitecore MS SqlServer databases to MySql server.

Prerequisite: You must have Sitecore for MS SQL Server and MySQL 5.0.41 (or later) database installed.

/upload/sdn5/products/data providers/mysqldatatransfertool53.png

Note: if the error about exceeding the max_allowed_packet value occurs, try adding the max_allowed_packet=32M parameter to the \MySQL Server 5.0\my.ini file in the [mysqld] section and restart the server.